2025 Lorraine Hearn Memorial Bursary ($1000)

To be eligible students must meet the following criteria:

  • Identify as a woman and be currently registered for the academic year 2024-2025 as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution.

  • Be from the Central West Region of the province: as far west and including the Baie Verte Peninsula; as far east and including Norris Arm; and the entire Connaigre Peninsula.

  • Maintain a minimum average of 70%.

To apply for the bursary:

  • Submit a copy of your most recent transcript.

  • Complete and submit the Lorraine Hearn Memorial Bursary form, and submit your answers to three essay questions. Click HERE to open the fillable application form in word.

  • Applications can be submitted by email to: exedirector.sowc@gmail.com, or in person at our Women’s Centre, 5B Bayley St. in Grand Falls-Windsor.

2025 Lorraine Hearn Memorial Bursary

2025 Lorraine Hearn Memorial Bursary

The recipient of the bursary is Joy Northcotte. Joy is attending Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. She is in her 5th Year of a Social Work Program.

Congratulations Joy!

Please note:


An individual can be a recipient of this award one time only.

Any student receiving 80% or more funding is not eligible.

Board Members of Status of Women Central and their immediate family (ie. child, parent or sibling) are not eligible.

An interview may be requested during the selection process.

The name of the recipient will be announced at the International Women's Day Event, at the Grand Falls-Windsor Royal Canadian Legion.

Consideration will be given to the decision for this bursary based on a compilation of items: financial, academic standing and the knowledge of women's issues.

If the recipient fails to attend or complete the program in the current year of the bursary, it is to be returned in full to the Status of Women Central.